Sunday, May 29, 2011

Weird Video Sent to me


  1. Looks kinda like one of the masks you found--the one with the bleeding eyes.Pretty disturbing.....

  2. Not very good at using Audacity,but I managed to reverse the audio and beneath the noise it sounds like he's saying "Michael",which I'm sure won't help you to sleep at night.....

  3. Hello. i am new to your site and i read all the posts. it seems like you are into something. also, watch you back. just in case. Also, about the black box, maybe..... idk... my sister has a ton of little boxes, there all the same brand and she has like 100 keys, they all work on all the boxes. so maybe you can find and.. maybe buy another box with the key? idk.... Just a wild guess. Well...... good luck.

  4. @dylan please don't spam the blog. It makes everyone unhappy.
